วันศุกร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How To: Jailbreak iPod Touch 2.2.1 to 3.1.2 Update and Free

Some people do not have the new update and now you would have to pay money. I'll show you how to charge it and I will show you on how to get it jailbreak. It is so simple and fast, it only takes 5 minutes and lasts 2.2.1 at least 30 minutes or more. It took me an hour because I had 2.2.0 and I had to update it and for some reason it took a long time. Download Mozilla Firefox: www.mozilla.com Download: iTunes 9, you must to install the firmware only if you have 2.2.1: www.apple.com LinkNew firmware: www.felixbruns.de Link For Blackra1n: blackra1n.com Tethered: If you have 3G and Itouch jailbreak it, it is kept tied. This means you will have the jailbreak but you can from the iPod Touch, well ... You can leave the jailbreak is. The only way to keep the jailbreak, it shall be kept at Castle Please rate comment and subscribe!


